Shampoo Bottles Dissolve for the Sake of the Environment

Eco-Friendly product design could be part of the solution.
Curiousbrand Team
April 19, 2023

Creative agencies are stepping up the game when it comes to eco-friendly product design. Not long ago ECH Creative Company took an initiative of showing their care for the environment via “Tết Lòng Vòng,” a gift pack designed to keep both its content and nature safe, as the set comes with an eco-friendly feature. Now we see  BBDO Guerrero introducing “The Dissolving Bottle.”

The dissolving bottle is essentially a shampoo bar wrapped in recycled paper. Plastic shampoo bottles have long contributed to excess waste. To clarify the confusion around the product, the agency redesigned the traditional packaging by giving shampoo bars a shape similar to the typical small shampoo bottles used in a hotel.

This shampoo is already being tested in some hotels on Boracay Island. Each bar is the equivalent of a 90ml bottle of shampoo, has 130grams in weight, and is made with all-organic ingredients by local Filipino manufacturer, The Naturale Market. The campaign is supported by a website where brands are invited to customize their own versions of the bottle.

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